Financial Items
Financial Items

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Finances are inevitably disrupted by divorce. However, there are a few steps you can take to prepare yourself. In this Financial Section you'll find helpful information pertaining to Credit Reports, Credit Repair, Credit Cards, Loans, Financial Calculators and Insurance.

Here we'll explain the importance of Credit Reports and tell you how to obtain a copy of your own credit report. Our Credit Repair page will familiarize you with the various options available for those with unfavorable credit ratings.

You'll learn the various reasons why you may need to open a new Credit Card account, and we'll show you how you can benefit from some the most appealing offers online, regardless of your credit standing.

We'll cover the topic of home loans and explain why you may need to apply for one even if you don't intend to move. Whether a spouse's name needs to be removed from the title of the matrimonial home or one of the spouses needs to buyout the other, refinancing is often the most practical alternative. Fortunately, in the process of refinancing, you can benefit from low interest rates or cash-out some of the equity in your home to payoff other outstanding debt. Even if all you need is some extra cash to ride out the next few months, you may want to consider a home equity loan. We'll show you how to do this and more, online.

We'll show you were you can find Divorce-Related Financial Software that allows you to calculate Child Support Payments, Pension Payments, Cash after Expenses & Taxes, Property Division, Alimony Buyout, and more.

We'll also cover the topic of Insurance, which is often neglected during difficult transitions such as unemployment or divorce. You'll learn what options are available when looking for an individual health plan, a family health plan, or children’s health plan as well as the applicable options during transition periods such as switching jobs or loosing your work health plan coverage.

Click any Hyperlink to explore a variety of financial topics that are sure to be of interest to you right now.

In today’s economy a good credit standing is more important than ever before. Almost all major transactions like buying a house or car or even establishing a simple line of credit require good credit. Unfortunately, if you've been through a divorce, your credit standing may have been adversely impacted by an ex-spouse or an abrupt change in your financial situation. Usually you don't find out until it's too late, however, here you'll learn how you can check your credit score now so you can take appropriate action before it becomes a problem.
If a life changing experience has lead you to incur a dangerously high level of debt or impaired you from fulfilling your financial responsibilities, then you may be one of the millions of Americans that can benefit from a wide variety of online information and services geared towards easing your financial burden and improving your credit. Here we'll expose you to the various aspects of credit repair and the many options available to address your specific needs.
If you intend to file for divorce, you should consider closing all joint accounts. You can elect to transfer your portion of existing joint debt into a new individual account. Whether you are in good credit standing, less than perfect standing or have no credit history at all, we have found some easy ways for you to open your own credit card account. Fortunately, opening a credit card account has never been easier, specially if done online. Here, we'll show you how.
Whether your moving into a new house, keeping the matrimonial home or looking for a source of much-needed cash, here we'll discuss the various options available when it comes to obtaining the best rate on a mortgage, refinance loan or home equity loan.

Here you'll find a variety of software applications that allow you to quickly and easily perform financial calculations pertaining to the various facets of divorce. These Divorce Calculators are very easy to use. Each calculator is one or two screens (with lots of help just a click away). You fill in your numbers, and the calculator does the rest.

When someone is going through a difficult transition such as unemployment or divorce, health insurance is often neglected. However, it is important to know what your options are regarding health insurance in order to keep yourself and your family healthy. Here you'll learn what options are available when looking for an individual health plan, a family health plan, or children’s health plan as well as applicable options during transition periods such as switching jobs or loosing your work health plan coverage.


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