Products - eBooks
What is an eBook?
If you're looking for thorough information on divorce-related issues but don't have the time to run to the bookstore or wait for books by mail, then eBooks may be the ideal solution for you. eBooks are like conventional books except that you can download them while sitting at your home computer. Each eBook addresses a specific divorce-related issue in a highly informative, user-friendly and easily searchable manner. eBooks are available on a variety of divorce-related topics such as Separation Agreements, Hiring a Divorce Lawyer, Child Custody, Child Support, Property Division, Pension Issues and Proper Record-Keeping of Divorce-Related Matters.

What are the benefits of eBooks?

Depending on your connection speed, an eBook can reach your computer in about the same amount of time that it takes you to read this page. To purchase an eBook, simply select your desired title, enter your check or credit card information and click the submit button to initiate the download. It's that quick and simple. Another advantage of eBooks is that you can quickly find your topic of interest by searching for keywords just like you normally do on electronic documents.

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If you're unfamiliar with eBooks and don't quite know what to expect, take comfort in the fact that each of our "Featured eBooks" that you purchase comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. If the book you download does not meet your expectations, you can receive a 100% refund of the purchase price, no questions asked. Simply request your refund within 48 hours.  

Worried about Confidentiality?

We understand the importance of confidentiality, especially with regards to your divorce. Any eBook you purchase is delivered confidentially, right to your computer. There is no package to receive by mail. Furthermore, we do not use your personal information for anything other than processing your order.

Many of our visitors have found eBooks to be a helpful resource. If eBooks sound like an appealing alternative to you, peruse the brief descriptions below and click any desired title for more in-depth detail.


The Separation/Property Settlement Agreement Handbook

This book will help you understand and create a settlement agreement. The Separation and Property Settlement Agreement defines your legal obligations during separation and potentially divorce, which is why it is of the utmost importance that you have a full grasp of your agreement and the rights you may or may not have.

How to Hire the Right Divorce Lawyer

Protect yourself from becoming a victim of the courts and your spouse. This book supplies the knowledge you'll need to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of divorce lawyers, allowing you to select the right one for you.

The Mother's Child Custody Handbook &
The Father's Child Custody Handbook

Focuses on the rights of each parent and child under certain laws and circumstances, and how child custody will typically be decided by the court or through out-of-court negotiation and settlement.

The Child Support Handbook

Your children's future will be dictated by the child support decisions that are made during and after divorce or separation, making this book an invaluable resource.

The Property Division Handbook

The goal of this book is to provide a clear understanding what you are entitled to when it comes to marital property. Do yourself the financial favor and read this book! The consequences of not understanding and finding out when it is too late can be financially and emotionally devastating!

Pension Issues and Divorce

When couples get divorced they must decide how to divide their property. Retirement benefits (pensions) often form a substantial part of the parties' total marital estate. In fact, many times this is the couple's largest single marital asset.

The Divorce Record Keeper

This book will become your best friend during your divorce. Whether you have children or not, this resource will enable you to keep track of everything pertaining to your divorce from start to finish in an easy to reference fashion. Every divorce lawyer will tell you that it is a "must" to document everything!

Also be sure to explore eBook titles offered by Barnes & Noble (Format: Microsoft / Adobe) and Both sites offer eBooks on a wide range of topics such as Divorce, Self-Improvement, Relationships and Stress Management. To find your topic of interest quickly, be sure to search by Keyword.

As you probably know by now, finding reliable and relevant information in a timely manner can be difficult. Fortunately, eBooks make it easy. With content comparable to that of paper books but with the added privacy of online purchase & receipt and keyword search capability, eBooks offer far greater convenience than traditional literature. Furthermore, the subject matter addressed by each eBook is pertinent, practical and clearly described before you buy. For all of these reasons, we consider eBooks to be a valuable resource. We hope you will too.

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